The Event
Are you ready to bring in the New Year with one of the hottest events – this year STATESIDE??? SwingCouver is back baby! Join dancers from all over the world from December 29, 2023 – January 1, 2024. This will be a party to remember with 4 days of Nonstop Dancing, Leveled Workshops with World Class Instructors, Contests Galore, a NEW YEARS GALA, and much, much more!
Why You Should Attend
~Weekend Highlights~
Levelled workshops
World Class Instructors
WSDC sanctioned event
All-Star/Schamps J&J Challenge (Winners dance in the NON-WSDC Jack & Jill Final)
All American themed Jack & Jill (Friday Night)
Free Beginners Classes .aka. ‘Couver Classes
Thursday night pre-party
Epic Sunday night New Years Eve Gala!
‘Couver Classes:
~Fundamentals of West Coast Swing~
These classes are the FREE beginners track for the weekend – No pass required! This level is geared
towards the newer dancer and those looking to fine tune their fundamentals in West Coast Swing.
Top level instruction of basic timing, connection, and patterns will ensure your comfort
level for social dancing throughout the weekend and after the event.
*Beginners to advanced dancers will benefit from the opportunity to take this level
Level 2 Social:
Furthering your dance
This level is geared towards the novice to intermediate social dancer. Students should be comfortable on the social dance floor and have a good understanding of all basic patterns in West Coast Swing. Here you will learn techniques to further your musicality, partnering skills, and advance your fundamentals in West Coast Swing.
*Novice to Advanced Dancers will benefit from taking this level.
Level 3:
Kickin’ A** Eh’
This level will be geared towards intermediate to advanced dancers. Students need to
have qualified for the intermediate division for WSDC competitions or attended the audition for
those non-competitors or advanced social dancers.
Workshops will be faster-paced with advanced concepts and application of musicality,
connection, footwork, and pattern structure. Our world champion instructors will be teaching
the tools they have developed through their experience of dancing and competing at the
highest level of West Coast Swing.
Level 4:
Pushing your Boundaries
This level will be aimed at the Advanced/All-Star level dancer. You can pre-qualify for
this class if you have earned advanced or All-Star WSDC points within the past 5 years. WSDC
points ARE NOT REQUIRED to take part in this class, anyone can audition for any level!
This level is designed to push you to your limits! Our top-notch instructors will take you
through some of the most advanced concepts in our dance. Creating different points in your
connection along with some of our dance’s most complex technical aspects. The use of dimension and speed in our dance will also be examined!
*Get ready to push your boundaries!
All-Star/ Champion Track
Setting your Intentions
This level will be aimed at the highest level of the event. Dancers must qualify for the All-Star level. You can pre-qualify for
this class if you have earned All-Star or Champion WSDC points within the past 5 years.
points ARE NOT REQUIRED to take part in this class, you must QUALIFY for All-Star.
This level is designed to coach and create with the top social and competitive dancers in the world. Dancers will be focused on setting intentions for contests and goals for the next year to come. Be prepared to be taught by the BEST!
Audition information:
Auditions will be held on Friday morning at 11am, beginning with level 4 auditions . Dancers who qualify for level 3, wanting to take level 4, may audition to move up. Following with level 2 dancers wanting to audition to move up to Level 3 workshops.
The instructors who will be teaching levels 4 and 3 will be at the audition and will know if
the dancer is ready for the material they have prepared. There will be a select few chosen to be moved up.
Auditions will be held in a relaxed and non-intimidating “Jack & Jill Style” heated format.